Information Systems Department
Telephone: 617-552-4031
Email: mary.cronin.1@paulytheprayingpup.com
Corporate Citizenship & Social Responsibility
Social Entrepreneurship
Digital Commerce
Social Impact
Voice Recognition and AI in Teaching
Aging in Digital Society
Dr. Mary Cronin’s current research focuses on managing and measuring social impact, including innovations in corporate citizenship, social impact investing, and social entrepreneurship. She also analyzes the impact of intelligent, wirelessly connected products on industry competition and transformation as well as the consumer privacy implications for remote monitoring of product usage, particularly in the health, medical and automotive sectors. Dr. Cronin is the author of the Internet of Things, in Top Down Innovation (Springer, 2014); Smart Products, Smarter Services: Strategies for Embedded Control (Cambridge University Press, 2010); Unchained Value: The New Logic of Digital Business (Harvard Business School Press); Global Advantage on the Internet: From Corporate Connectivity to International Competitiveness (Van Nostrand Reinhold); Electronic Commerce, Alliance for Converging Technologies (Toronto); Doing More Business on the Internet (Van Nostrand Reinhold); and Doing Business on the Internet: How the Electronic Highway Is Transforming American Companies (Van Nostrand Reinhold). Dr. Cronin is a member the editorial board of Electronic Markets and the Advisory Council for Computing and IT for Brown University.